spermidineLIFE Pro - World's first professional grade spermidine supplement 6mg

spermidineLIFE Pro+®

在天然萃取的情况下,很难实现亚精胺的高浓度。但是,根据消费者们的需求,“长寿实验室(Longevity Labs™)”在高浓度萃取方面取得了重大进展,进而生产出了我们的全新升级产品spermidineLIFE PRO+®。


spermidineLIFE PRO+®采用光滑、柔软的包装,并提供品牌的配套杯。每盒spermidineLIFE PRO+®中有30个小袋包装,可供顾客服用一个月。每日推荐剂量为6毫克。

  • A black and white image of a plane flying in the sky does not relate to the keywords spermidine, longevity, or autophagy.

    One sachet corresponds to 6mg of natural spermidine daily dose spermidineLIFE® dietary supplement

  • A glass of water promoting cellular health and longevity by stimulating autophagy.

    Mix sachet contents with a glass of

    water or beverage

  • A black hexagon representing the longevity-enhancing properties of spermidineLIFE.

    Enjoy the benefits of

    consistent Autophagy

对spermidineLIFE PRO+®感兴趣?

您可以通过以下按钮寻找一个保健品供应商来购买spermidineLIFE PRO+®,体验30天高剂量亚精胺补充方案的益处,以对抗炎症,并促进持续的自噬。
