Synthetic spermidine is made in a lab, intended for use on mice and rats, and is unsafe for humans. This manufactured chemical does not have spermidine and putrescine, important polyamines that are found in natural spermidine.

"Spiking" spermidine is a process of spraying synthetic material onto low quality wheat to trick regulators.

Though synthetic spermidine is unsafe for humans, manufacturers sidestep FDA regulations with "spiked" products. Synthetic and spiked products are banned in the EU.

Unsafe spermidine is sold to unknowing consumers without any disclosure of ingredients and risks. For your safety, avoid products with deceptive terms like 'standardized' or 'normalized' spermidine as they likely contain synthetic spermidine or "spiked" material.
Synthetic spermidine is an unsafe chemical made in a lab, intended for mice not humans.

Make the right choice for your family.
Unlike other brands, spermidineLIFE® only uses all natural, plant-derived, polyamine-rich spermidine.
Choose life, spermidineLIFE®.