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Bowl of nuts that good for brain health

brain health

Brain Food for Studying

Man with Alzheimer's looking out a window

brain health

What is Alzheimer's?

  Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and the likelihood of us developing the disease grows as we get older. There is still much to learn about...

doctor pointing at brain scans discussing the most common neurodegenerative disease

brain health

What is the Most Common Neurodegenerative Disease?

  Neurodegenerative diseases grow more common as we get older, and their symptoms can make day-to-day life difficult. In the past, it was widely believed that these diseases and their...

Man looking at his skin and wondering what causes aging

brain health

What Causes Aging?

  There’s no way around it, none of us are excited by the prospect of aging. To better manage the aging process, it’s important that you understand the aging process....

Healthy meats, vegetables, and cheeses on a plate consistent with the Alzheimer's prevention diet

brain health

What is the Alzheimer's Prevention Diet?

  Unfortunately, Alzheimer’s grows increasingly common the older we get. Researchers and experts are still unsure as to what exactly causes Alzheimer’s but there are things you can do to...

Elderly man playing a game suffering from common brain aging signs

brain health

Common Brain Aging Signs

  Taking care of your brain, especially as you get older, should be at the top of your health priority list. An important part of making sure your brain is...

Crossword puzzle for brain exercises

brain health

Do Brain Exercises Really Work?

  Aging. It is the natural process for our bodies--and our brains. There are ways to slow it down and to maintain active lives along with reasonably good cognitive function....

Doctor showing patient how Neurodegenerative diseases are treated

brain health

How are Neurodegenerative Diseases Treated?

  When it comes to keeping up with your health, there’s arguably nothing more important than your brain health. Neurodegenerative diseases can be hereditary or they can occur after an...

Man reading a book to improve brain health

brain health

How to Improve Brain Health

Listen to this article: Keeping your brain sharp and healthy is important to live a long life. Oftentimes, heart health seems to take precedence so we put aside the importance...

Woman looking out the window who suffers from dementia

brain health

What is Dementia?

  The older we get the more prone we are to age-related diseases, some of the most common ones being dementia-related diseases. These diseases all greatly decrease our cognitive function,...

Couple enjoying time in nature and boosting brain health

brain health

Best Foods to Boost Your Brain and Memory

The older we get, the more and more important it becomes to take care of our brains. The number one way you can keep your brain healthy is by eating...

woman looking off in the distance thinking of ways to boost her brain

brain health

Ways to Naturally Boost Your Brain

  It’s incredibly important that we do all that we can to take care of our brains. Think about it, all we are is a sack of skin, organs, and...

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