Two new autophagy-inducing agents demonstrate immune, memory and cognitive support
DENVER, November 24, 2021 -- Longevity Labs, Inc., an Austria-based longevity company focused on developing cutting edge spermidine-rich compounds to increase human health and lifespan, has announced the launch of two new novel product lines in the United States, spermidineLIFE® Immunity+ and spermidineLIFE® Memory. The two new products provide targeting for immune, memory and cognitive support. spermidineLIFE® is the world’s first naturally extracted and clinically tested dietary supplement that promotes the renewal of cells. The active ingredient in spermidineLIFE® is spermidine, an aliphatic polyamine compound found in ribosomes and living tissue and considered key to maintaining youthful cell function.
spermidineLIFE® Immunity+
spermidineLIFE® Immunity+ contains and combines spermidine-rich wheat germ extract with vitamin C and shitake mushroom extract, both ingredients commonly used for immune support. As having a strong immune system has become a key concern for some throughout the ongoing COVID pandemic, spermidineLIFE® Immunity+ provides a higher level of support for a healthy, well-functioning immune system, particularly into older age.
The immune system helps protect the body from harmful pathogens and environmental risks and keeping it strong is key. But with age, the immune system loses function, and it can also be weakened from auto immune disease, nutrition, alcohol and smoking. Signs of a weak immune system include frequent cold, infections, digestive problems, delayed wound healing, skin infections, fatigue, organ problem, delayed growth, a blood disorder, and autoimmune diseases. Lymphocytes, white blood cells that are one of the body’s main types of immune cells, are crucial in the body’s battle against foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. Lymphocyte population actually increases with age, but the cells’ cytotoxic function declines as does their ability to produce cytokines and chemokines. This leads to a greater susceptibility of infection with age.
Now with the availability of spermidineLIFE® Immunity+, the spermidine-rich dietary supplement can be used for immune support and cell growth and regeneration.
spermidineLIFE® Memory+
spermidineLIFE® Memory+ contains and combines spermidine-rich wheat germ extract with brahmi powder, saffron extract, and increased iron, zinc, and thiamine to promote improved memory and cognitive function. spermidineLIFE® has been shown in clinical trials to protect against neurodegeneration and cognitive decline in aged animal models.
Cognitive abilities appear to peak around age 30 and subtly decline with age. Normal age-related declines are subtle and mostly affect the speed of thinking and attentional control. In abnormal aging, declines in cognition are more severe and may include other thinking abilities, such as rapid forgetting or difficulties navigating, solving common problems, expressing oneself in conversation or behaving outside of social rules. Abnormal aging can also include the motor system resulting in excessive tripping, falls or tremor.
Now with the availability of spermidineLIFE® Memory+ the spermidine-rich dietary supplement can be used for memory and cognitive support and cell growth and regeneration.
“spermidineLIFE® triggers the body’s cell renewal process known as autophagy, which is key for the immune system, cognition and memory,” says Daniel Dietz, CEO of Longevity Labs. “We are excited that both products are now available to further support consumers’ health goals, particularly into older ages.”
spermidineLIFE® Immunity+ and spermidineLIFE® Memory+ are available online in the U.S. and will soon be available through select retailers. To place an order directly through Longevity Labs, visit www.spermidinelife.us.
Longevity Labs launched its first flagship product, spermidineLIFE®, in the United States via eCommerce sales on its website, www.spermidinelife.us, in August 2020, bringing the first commercially available, safety-tested, lab-verified, spermidine-rich supplement to the U.S. market. Due to high customer demand, Longevity Labs is expanding its product line to combine its novel ingredient with other ingredients of high interest to specific customers.
About Longevity Labs, Inc.
Longevity Labs brings scientific and tested solutions inspired by nature to prolong healthy lifespan. Leading the world in the development of natural spermidine products to support cellular rejuvenation and renewal, Longevity Labs introduced spermidineLIFE® to Europe in 2019 and the U.S. in 2020. As the world’s scientists, researchers, universities, and clinicians expand clinical testing into spermidine, spermidineLIFE® by Longevity Labs has become the worldwide research standard used to expand upon the list of transformational health benefits found in all-natural wheat germ-derived spermidine. Longevity Labs is headquartered in Vienna, Austria, and Denver, Colorado, with production facilities in Graz, Austria. For more information, visit https://spermidinelife.us/pages/about.
About spermidineLIFE® by Longevity Labs
As we age, our bodies lose an important natural compound called spermidine. spermidineLIFE® by Longevity Labs gives it back. Spermidine is a clinically tested power-compound proven to enhance brain, heart and organ function, reduce inflammation, boost immunity, detain the effects of aging, and improve the appearance of skin, hair, and nails. Discovered in semen, but found in almost all plants in trace amounts, spermidine is vital to keeping our cells young, producing the same benefits as fasting and autophagy by cleaning cells of toxic material. spermidineLIFE® by Longevity Labs is the world’s first natural spermidine supplement derived from wheat germ, manufactured under strict quality controls in Austria, and now used as the standard compound in clinical spermidine testing worldwide. spermidineLIFE® by Longevity Labs is Cell Renewal Made Simple. Visit www.spermidinelife.us for orders and more details.
Note: While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration agrees that dietary supplements can be beneficial to human health, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not have the authority to review dietary supplement products for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed. Statements about the dietary supplement spermidineLIFE® are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. SOURCE: Longevity Labs, Inc.