Best Exercises to Reverse Aging


We know that being physically active is good for our health. But did you know it can actually help reverse aging too? The fountain of youth may just be a walk away.

Can You Reverse Aging With Exercise?

Staying physically active is important, especially as we age. But researchers discovered through a study in 1966 that being sedentary, even for just a short amount of time, has detrimental effects on the body.

During this three week study, all the five healthy volunteers had to do was stay in bed. Researchers tested the men before and after the three weeks discovering that they had the physiological characteristics of men twice their age including:

  • Faster resting heart rates
  • Higher systolic blood pressure
  • Drop in the heart’s maximum pumping capacity
  • Rise in body fat
  • Fall in muscle strength

Researchers continued their study and put the men on an 8-week exercise program. They found the exercise did more than just reverse the deterioration brought on by bed rest. Some of their measurements were better than before the study (1).

They also studied all five men at age 50. All were relatively healthy and did not require any long-term medication, but during this time they had gained weight, their cardiac function suffered, plus they also had a rise in resting heart rate and blood pressure.

They then put them on a 6-month regimen of endurance exercise (walking, jogging and cycling) and at the end of the time, they lost some weight, but their resting heart rates, blood pressure and their heart’s maximum pumping abilities were back to the baseline level from when they were 20.

This study showed that endurance training is the best way to improve cardiovascular function. It helps:

  • Keep the heart muscle supple
  • Keep the arteries flexible
  • Lowers resting heart rate
  • Boosts the heart’s peak ability to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the body’s tissues

10 Top Anti-Aging Exercises

Now that we know how important exercise is to staying youthful, what is the best anti-aging exercise? While endurance training (such as walking, jogging and cycling) is good for cardiovascular health, a combination of exercise is best. Experts recommend doing the following:

Build Muscle

Focus on the larger muscle groups because they typically decline faster. These are muscles used for basic motions like squatting, pulling and pushing. This is why resistance training is important and an easy one to do is squatting.

Stay Balanced

Falls can lead to broken bones or worse injuries and are a major concern for people over 65. Lower-impact exercises can help, even something as simple as a single-leg balance where you balance on one leg and then shift to the next.

Strengthen The Back And Core

Exercises that stabilize the core (stomach area) and back are important for more than the look of a flat stomach. A strong core keeps the spine in line while also improving balance.


Stretching the muscles and joints allows for greater range of motion, improves balance and helps to stay flexible. It can also help reduce the risk of injuries and is especially important to do before other forms of exercise.

Can Exercise Reverse The Signs Of Aging On Your Face?

A major part of facial aging is due to the loss of fat and soft tissue which results in sagging and more visible wrinkles. Some facial exercises are thought to help sculpt the cheekbone area, lift sagging cheeks and smooth out wrinkles on the upper eyelids.

How To Tighten Face With Exercise 

The best anti-aging exercises for the face are ones that encompass the whole body. Certain facial exercises may strengthen muscles, but for slimmer cheeks, spot exercising the face doesn’t necessarily work. That’s why it's recommended to choose an exercise routine for the whole body and not just a particular area.

How To Prevent Aging Skin In Your 20s With Yoga

Starting in the mid to late 20s, skin starts to lose collagen, leading to less plumpness and fullness over time and the start of wrinkles and fine lines. People also begin to lose elasticity in muscle, fascia and the skin, which tends to be more noticeable.

Yoga is a gentle anti-aging exercise that can slow physical aging at a cellular and DNA level. Practicing yoga for a couple hours a week can improve health and slow down the effects of aging. It doesn’t matter what age a person starts yoga, it is always beneficial. But starting in your 20s sets the stage for ongoing health benefits.

How To Reverse Aging Naturally

It’s always easier to start before something needs work, but oftentimes we don’t know something needs fixing until it does. Aging is the same way. We can lose track of time and our once 21-year-old bodies are nearing 40 plus.

The good news is that you can reverse and even slow down the aging process through exercise. Here are some ways to do that.


Cardio helps heart and brain activity by improving blood flow. It also enhances the flow of oxygen in the brain which helps communication and memory. Walking is a good start for anyone who has been more sedentary,

Other cardiovascular workouts include swimming, hiking, cycling and even dancing. This is an area where anything that gets the heart pumping is beneficial.

Strength Training

Muscle mass starts to weaken as people age so strength training helps the body repair and rebuild muscles. This includes both resistance training and weight lifting. It can lead to growth and retention of muscles, which keeps the body and toned and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

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