Can Boosting the Immune System Help Allergies?


When dealing with allergies, there are times when you would do anything to find a treatment option that works. Luckily, researchers believe that you can help fight off allergies by boosting your immune system. In order to do this, you will need to implement healthy lifestyle choices into your everyday routine. Here is some info you need to know about allergies and how you can fight them off. 

Can Boosting the Immune System help allergies?

It is believed that over 50 million Americans suffer from allergies in one way or another. If you’re one of these 50 million Americans, you know just how debilitating these allergies can be. When you’re struggling with your allergies, it can be next to possible to complete everyday activities without having a sneeze attack, sore throat, or difficulty breathing. 

Fortunately, recent research strengthens the theory that microbiota, also referred to as gut flora, can play a role in preventing allergies. Microbiota is a microbe that lives in our intestines and is involved with various functions, including immune defense. While further research is needed, it’s believed that a reduced number of this microbiota can lower the effectiveness of the immune system. 

How to build immunity to seasonal allergies

You more than likely have spent hours going back and forth through drugstore aisles looking for the perfect medication for your allergies. While over-the-counter and prescription allergy medication can be very helpful, there are several ways you can fight off these allergies naturally. You can achieve this by boosting your immune system. Here are some things you can do to build seasonal allergies immunity:

  • Meditation - Stress can worsen existing allergies. Meditation can greatly reduce stress, anxiety, and pain, which in turn, reduces the severity of your allergies.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle - Implementing, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can minimize the effects of allergy symptoms. If you are sensitive to outdoor allergens like pollen, you may want to take your exercise routine indoors when levels are at their highest or take your allergy medication before you start.
  • Avoid ‘hot zones’ - Try to avoid areas where you know your allergies will begin to act up. If there is a dip in the air quality, turn on your air conditioner rather than using an open window to keep your home cool.

These methods aren’t bulletproof, but they can go a long way in building an immunity to seasonal allergies. When all else fails, do not be afraid to go to your doctor for allergy medication. The right drug can diminish and block the expression of allergic disease. 

Can you build immunity to allergies?

It is possible to build immunity to allergies, however, it can be difficult because allergies are a direct action of your immune system itself. An allergic reaction begins when something harmless such as dust, mold, or pollen is encountered. If a person is allergic to these substances, the immune system will overreact by producing antibodies that attack the allergen. This then leads to wheezing, itching, a runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, and other symptoms. 

A common question when it comes to allergies is whether or not you can develop new allergies as you get older. Generally, allergies are more common in children. However, it is possible to develop a first-time reaction at any age. Factors such as hormones, stress, smoke, perfume, or environmental irritants can play a role in the development of allergies. 

Does having allergies mean your immune system is weak?

While allergies aren’t a tell-tale sign of a suppressed immune system, they are one of the many warning signs. As we discussed earlier, an allergic reaction is actually a sign that your immune system is overreacting more than underreacting. A weak immune system can lead to infections and illnesses, so you should be on the lookout for symptoms of a weak immune system. Here are some of those symptoms:

  • High stress level
  • You always have a cold
  • Stomach issues
  • Wounds such as cuts and burns are slow to heal
  • Frequent infections
  • You are tired all the time

If you think you may have a compromised immune system, it’s best that you consult with your doctor. Keep in mind, many of the signs of a weak immune system are also symptoms of other medical ailments. 

Can allergies weaken your immune system?

With all this talk of the immune system and allergies, we haven’t addressed whether or not allergies themselves can weaken the system. If you have ongoing allergies that aren’t effectively treated, it can weaken your immune system. This can lead to you being more susceptible to viruses and other germs. Here are some tips to minimize your risk of getting sick despite your allergies:

  • Good hygiene
  • A balanced diet
  • A proper amount of sleep
  • Avoid people who are ill and maybe contagious
  • Clean your home regularly
  • Get vaccinated

If you are prone to allergic asthma, your sensitive air passages may be more reactive to viral and bacterial triggers. And when your allergy symptoms disturb your ability to get a good night’s sleep, that too affects your immune system and makes you more likely to succumb to infection.

Does allergy medicine lower your immune system?

Unfortunately, there is research that points to some prescription and over-the-counter medications causing immune system complications. If you are worried about this, it’s best that you consult with your doctor. Their job is to find you the treatment option that best fits you. This means finding the medication that will reduce your allergies while also keeping your immune system healthy. 

Supplements Can Help

Taking care of your body with a proper diet, exercise routine, and supplement regimen can help you fight against allergies. Supplements, such as a spermidine supplement, can also help you live a longer life by inducing autophagy throughout your body. Autophagy is the body’s process of replacing older, potentially damaged cell parts, with newer healthier ones. 

This process becomes increasingly important as you get older and your cells become more and more worn down. Supplements can be beneficial because it can be difficult to get your recommended daily intake of spermidine through your diet alone. By taking a spermidine capsule with your dinner, you ensure that you always get your daily dose of spermidine

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