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Bacon, eggs and vegetables on a plate which are part of a bulletproof diet


What is the Bulletproof Diet?

Empty plate with fork and knife to represent fasting



How Does It Work? Intermittent fasting triggers “evolutionarily conserved, adaptive cellular responses that are integrated between and within organs in a manner that improves glucose regulation, increases stress resistance and...

Clock on empty dinner plate with fork and knife representing intermittent fasting


What is 16/8 and 12/12 Intermittent Fasting?

  Fasting diets have become increasingly popular in recent years due in large part to the fact that they do provide noticeable results. But with so many different types of...

Empty food containers on a table representing fasting


Is Fasting Healthy?

  Fasting has become an increasingly popular diet trend in recent years, with those who practice fasting diets yelling their praises from the mountaintops. However, it’s normal to question whether...

Bowl of beans, citrus, tomatoes, and other foods that contain spermidine


What Foods Contain Spermidine?

  Spermidine rich foods that are high in spermidine can help induce a bodily function known as autophagy. This is the body’s process of replacing old, dying, or damaged cells with...

Woman holding a dietary supplement in her hand


What is a Dietary Supplement?

  Dietary supplements are so popular that more than half of all Americans take one or more dietary supplements daily or on occasion. These supplements can help you get the...

almonds, cashews, tomatoes, and carrots on a table which are a good source of biotin


What is Biotin

  What is biotin? Biotin is a part of the B vitamin family and plays a very important role in keeping our skin, hair, heart, and brain healthy. Unfortunately, many people...

Woman running outside because it is a great cardio exercise for the heart


What is the Best Cardio for Heart Health

  Our heart is a muscular organ that needs physical activity to keep it strong and healthy. Besides eating a heart-healthy diet, exercise is one of the most effective ways...

Man looking at his skin and wondering what causes aging


What Causes Aging?

  There’s no way around it, none of us are excited by the prospect of aging. To better manage the aging process, it’s important that you understand the aging process....

Woman doing yoga which is one of the top ten anti-aging exercises you can do


Top 10 Anti-aging Activities

  Finding the fountain of youth isn’t just about looking younger, but feeling younger. And one of the biggest anti-aging activities is exercise. Physical activity can help keep DNA healthy...

Elderly couple with their grandchild choosing healthy lifestyle choices to decrease signs of aging


How do environment and lifestyle choices influence aging process?

Listen to this article: What Is Aging? Advancing in years and aging are not the same thing. Advancing in years is what happens in regard to the calendar. Aging is...

Person cutting up a clock on a blank dinner plate to represent the fasting mimicking diet


What is a Fasting Mimicking Diet?

  We are all searching for ways to live longer, healthier lives. With all of the recent dietary trends, it can be difficult to find one that will help you...

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