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woman drinking a cup of tea with lemon to boost immunity


How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

A group of friends enjoying life and the benefits of making healthy choices


Healthy Ways to Live Longer

  While many of us believe that genes play the primary role in how long we live, it may be surprising to learn that diet and nutrition may be more...

Clock on an empty plate with a fork and knife next to it indicating an intermittent fasting schedule


What Are The Effects Of Intermittent Fasting?

  Intermittent fasting has a wide range of health benefits that researchers are looking more closely into. With an intermittent fast, the body is able to use up its energy...

Noodles, mushrooms, and meat in a bowl that are part of a traditional Okinawan Diet


What Is The Traditional Okinawa Diet?

  The Okinawa Diet is becoming more well-known and is being explored for its vast health benefits. The Okinawan diet stems from people who live in Okinawa, which is an island...

man and son playing outside doing activities that will boost immune health


Diet and Lifestyle Changes That Will Boost Your Immune System

  In the midst of the pandemic, people are more worried about their immune system than ever before. Poor diet and lifestyle can keep your body from being able to...

man doing stretches on a mat to reduce stress levels to boost immune health


How Does Stress Impact the Immune System?

  With your hectic schedule, it’s hard not to constantly feel stressed out. You’re more than aware of the negative effect stress has on your mental and physical health, but...

two glasses of orange juice that are high in polyamines


What Foods Are High in Polyamines?

  We should be doing everything in our power to ensure we live longer, happier, healthier lives. Polyamines, such as spermidine and spermine, help the body induce autophagy, which is...

potatoes, peppers, and greens essential for a longevity diet


What is the Longevity Diet by Valter Longo?

Listen to this article:     What is the longevity diet? The Longevity Diet, developed by biochemist Dr. Valter Longo, Ph.D., is meant to help people live both longer and healthier...

Can Autophagy Help to Firm Up Loose Skin?


Can Autophagy Help to Firm Up Loose Skin?

  We all dread the side effects of aging, but the one we may dread the most is loose skin. Loose skin can make you look much older than you...

citrus fruits on a plate that are high in polyamines


What do Polyamines Do?

  Humans and plants have many things in common, one of those things is that we both do all that we can to ensure we live as long as possible....

Chicken, salad, and dressing associated with an autophagy diet


What is an Autophagy Diet?

  How To Induce Autophagy?  Over the millennia of evolution, our bodies learned to adapt to many different conditions. One of the challenges ancient humans had to adapt to was...

Healthy foods that are part of a Longevity diet that helps you live longer.


What is a Longevity Diet and How Does it Help You Live Longer?

  It’s no secret, we all want to live longer. We may view ourselves as invincible machines in our younger years but the older we get the further we move...