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Older couple walking on a beach talking about why cellular health is important


Why is Cellular Health Important?

Model of a human showing different functions of the body including the lymphatic system


What is the Lymphatic System?

  We all know how big of a role our body’s immune system plays on our overall well being. One of the key components of the immune system is the...

Doctor showing a patient a computer screen and explaining multiple sclerosis


What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis is a difficult and frustrating disease. Frustrating because researchers and experts are still unsure as to what causes the disease and how it can best be treated. In...

Doctor pointing at brain scans and explaining to a patient how Alzheimer's affects the body's systems


How Does Alzheimer's Affect the Body's Systems?

How Does Alzheimer’s Affect The Body’s Systems? Alzheimer’s disease is more commonly known to affect cognitive function, but it can also have an impact on other bodily systems as well....

Table with broccoli, oranges, grains, and a drawing of a stomach to represent gut health


How to Improve Gut Health

  Your gut health is incredibly important for your overall well being. If there are too many bad bacteria inside of your gut, it can dramatically decrease your overall health....

Bowls of foods that are good for memory


Worst Foods for Memory

  The older we get the more and more difficult it becomes remembering things like names and numbers. Believe it or not, this doesn’t have to be the case. It...

Woman holding supplements next to a model of a brain representing the importance of brain health


Why is Brain Health Important?

  The older you get, the more and more important it becomes to take proper care of your brain. Think of your brain like a car. Without proper care, it...

Elderly woman working with a physical therapist to avoid negative affects on the muscular system


How Does Age Affect the Muscular System?

  The older you get, the more muscle you lose. It’s one of the most dreaded side-effects of aging. While many people believe that it’s nearly impossible to rebuild this...

Woman dumping top anti-aging supplements out of a bottle into her hand


Top Anti Aging Supplements

  Top Anti Aging Supplements Staying healthy and reversing the effects of aging are important to a lot of people. We not only want to feel younger, but we also...

Woman reaching for healthy foods to help her slow metabolism


Signs of Slow Metabolism

  At some point or another, you’ll probably look for a way to lose weight. While diet fads and new workout regimens come and go, your metabolism is here forever....

Woman eating a bowl of salad that has a measuring tape on top to represent how to lose weight fast


How to Lose Weight Fast

We’ve all been there. Looking at ourselves in the mirror wondering “how can I lose all this weight as quickly as possible?” While there are ways you can lose weight...

Man pouring milk into glass with supplements that help increase metabolism


How to Increase Your Metabolism

  If you have done any research into weight-loss then chances are you already know the importance of your metabolism. Furthermore, you know just how important it is to make...