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Woman looking out the window who suffers from dementia


What is Dementia?

Woman looking off in the distance that has figured out how to improve her skin with age


How To Improve Your Skin With Age

Couple enjoying time in nature and boosting brain health


Les meilleurs aliments pour stimuler votre cerveau et votre mémoire

Plus on vieillit, plus il devient important de prendre soin de notre cerveau. La meilleure façon de garder votre cerveau en bonne santé est de manger des aliments qui contribuent...

Elderly woman outside and enjoying a long healthy life


Top 3 Anti-Aging Diet Plans

  What we eat has a direct impact with our body’s aging process. And there are certain diets that can increase longevity especially through the autophagy process. Autophagy means to...

woman taking supplements and drinking lemon tea to boost immunity


What Immune Boosting Home Remedies Are There?

  The search for optimal health is one we all strive for. Besides eating right and exercising, we can strengthen our immune system with some home remedies. Some of these...

woman looking off in the distance thinking of ways to boost her brain


Façons de stimuler naturellement votre cerveau

  Il est extrêmement important que nous fassions tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour prendre soin de notre cerveau. Pensez-y, nous ne sommes qu'un sac de peau, d'organes...

Couple chopping carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, and lemons for a keto diet


How The Keto Diet Plays A Role In Living Longer

  The Ketogenic Diet, or Keto for short, has gained in popularity due to its reported ability to help various ailments while leading to substantial weight loss. But what exactly...

Elderly couple holding hands enjoying a long life


What is The Average Life Expectancy By Country?

  As we grow more advanced as a society, it should come as no surprise that the world average life span is steadily increasing across the world. Even if the...

Crossword puzzle that can improve memory and concentration


How to Improve Memory and Concentration

  There are many different things that you do in your daily life that can affect your memory and concentration. When you take specific steps throughout your daily routine you...

Unhealthy Doughnuts and coffee that negatively impact brain health


How Food Affects Your Brain

  Junk food is something that everyone can get consumed in, but it really isn’t something that is healthy for you. When you experience things like brain fog, it can...

Stressed woman looking in the mirror thinking about what causes aging


What Causes Premature Aging?

  We all age. It just happens as time passes and we grow older. But people age differently. Some people look younger than one would expect. While others look older....

Elderly couple running in nature to improve brain function


Which Exercise is Best For The Brain?

  Your brain is the most important part of your body. Unfortunately, as you get older, cognitive decline is something that’s common. You can actually prevent cognitive decline and diseases...