Combating age-related diseases is a complicated process. Researchers pour millions of dollars and thousands of hours of human resources into finding a solution. Recent discoveries regarding senolytic supplements have yielded positive results. Today’s article will go over what a senolytic is, a list of senolytics, the top senolytic supplements, what senolytic therapy is, the benefits of senolytic therapy, and more.
What Is A Senolytic?
A senolytic is considered a class of small molecules currently undergoing research to determine whether or not they can cause the death of senescent cells (SNCs). Harmful senescent cells are tied to age-related diseases and cancers. These cells are often referred to as zombie cells, as they can be quite damaging to our cellular health.
Researchers hope that senolytics can be deployed to help kill these senescent cells before they cause too much damage. SNCs can lead to cellular senescence, which is the permanent state of cell cycle arrest induced by cellular stress. This can lead to SNCs building up in tissues, which contributes significantly to age-related diseases.
Top Senolytic Supplements
Since the discovery of senolytic compounds, researchers have worked to determine whether or not we can deploy these compounds to prevent aging-related diseases. While further research is needed regarding senolytic supplements, there are some promising preliminary results. Here are some examples of the best senolytic supplements and other anti-aging supplements:
- Curcumin
- Collagen
- CoQ10
- Crocin
- Theanine
- Rhodiola
- Garlic
- Astragalus
- Fisetin
- Resveratrol
Before purchasing senolytic supplements, it’s important to do your due diligence into the brand you’re buying from and the product they’re selling. Buying supplements without adequate research can be dangerous.
What Is Senolytic Activator Used For?
Many of the supplements we listed above are known as senolytic activators. What is senolytic activator used for? Senolytic drugs and supplements are agents that selectively induce apoptosis of the dangerous senescent cells we mentioned earlier. If left unchecked, these cells could accumulate in tissues and sites of pathology.
Again, we must note that research regarding senolytic is in the preliminary stages. In early studies conducted on animals, targeting senescent cells using senolytic activators can cause delays or even prevent multiple age-related phenotypes, chronic diseases, geriatric syndromes, and loss of physiological resilience. Senolytic agents are being tested in proof-of-concept clinical trials.
What is Senolytic Therapy?
These pesky SNCs can resist cell death by activating prosurvival and inhibiting pro-apoptotic pathways. Senolytic drugs that are still in preliminary testing have been developed to effectively target key components of these pathways. By doing so, these drugs can eliminate SNCs and the senescence-associated secretory phenotype that drives diseases related to aging.
Drugs such as UBX1967 are currently undergoing testing to treat age-related eye diseases, and UBX0101 is going through early testing for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Development in senolytic therapies and senolytic drugs awaits further advancements from fundamental and translational research on SNCs.
What Are The Benefits Of Senolytic Supplements?
When researching senolytic supplements, it’s important to research the benefits and the potential drawbacks. Since senolytic supplements aren’t FDA-approved, branding can often be misleading. Research can help ensure you’re buying a quality product from a reputable company. Here are some of the senolytic benefits supplement companies may advertise:
- Rejuvenating effect on the whole body
- Encourages the self-destruction of the senescent cells responsible for aging and age-related health issues
- Rich in fisetin
- Contains quercetin phytosome
Be sure that you research the potential side effects of these supplements. Be sure to speak with your doctor about any supplements you take.
How Senolytic Supplements Can Help with the Aging Process
Senolytic supplements have gained attention in recent years for their potential to counteract the aging process and promote healthy aging. Senescence, a state in which cells no longer function optimally, plays a significant role in aging and age-related diseases. Senolytics are compounds that target and eliminate senescent cells, thereby stopping senescence and rejuvenating the body and improving overall health.
Senolytics work by selectively triggering apoptosis, a process of programmed cell death, in senescent cells. By eliminating these dysfunctional cells, senolytics help to restore tissue homeostasis and promote the regeneration of healthy cells. This reduction in senescent cells has been linked to improvements in age-related conditions such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and neurodegenerative disorders.
One of the key benefits of senolytic supplements is their potential to alleviate chronic inflammation. Senescent cells produce inflammatory molecules known as senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), which contribute to chronic inflammation in the body. By clearing senescent cells, senolytics can reduce inflammation, leading to improved overall health and a lower risk of age-related diseases.
Can Senolytic Supplements Help Your Immune System?
Senolytic supplements have shown potential in supporting immune function, although further research is needed to fully understand their effects. The immune system plays a crucial role in defending the body against pathogens and maintaining overall health. As we age, the immune system often weakens, leading to increased susceptibility to infections and age-related diseases.
Senescent cells, which accumulate in various tissues with age, can contribute to immune dysfunction. These cells release pro-inflammatory molecules that disrupt the normal functioning of immune cells, impairing their ability to fight off infections and maintain immune homeostasis. By targeting and eliminating senescent cells, senolytics have the potential to alleviate this immune dysfunction and promote a healthier immune system.
Preclinical studies have shown promising results regarding the impact of senolytics on immune function. The removal of senescent cells has been associated with improved immune responses and enhanced clearance of pathogens. Additionally, senolytic treatment has demonstrated the ability to reduce chronic inflammation, which can have a positive effect on overall immune health.
Are There Any Risks?
While senolytic supplements show promise in promoting healthy aging, it is important to be aware of potential risks and limitations associated with their use. As with any supplement or intervention, there are factors to consider and potential side effects to be mindful of. One of the main concerns with senolytics is their potential off-target effects. Senescent cells play a role in tissue repair and wound healing, and completely eliminating them may interfere with these essential processes. It is crucial to strike a balance between removing detrimental senescent cells and preserving the beneficial functions they serve.
Moreover, the long-term effects of senolytic supplements are not yet fully understood. The majority of research conducted on senolytics has been in preclinical models, and human studies are limited. More evidence is needed to determine the optimal dosages, treatment durations, and potential interactions with other medications or health conditions. Individual responses to senolytic supplements may vary, and some people may experience side effects. Common side effects may include gastrointestinal discomfort, fatigue, or transient changes in blood counts. It is important to monitor any changes in your health and discuss them with a healthcare professional.
As with any supplement, it is crucial to choose high-quality products from reputable sources. Look for supplements that have undergone third-party testing for purity and quality assurance. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen is advisable, particularly if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
Can Senolytic Supplements Help Extend Your Lifespan?
If research into senolytic supplements continues to produce positive results, it’s not illogical to think these supplements can help extend your lifespan. That’s because the SNCs that are targeted by these senolytic supplements can lead to age-related diseases if left unchecked. By targeting the pathways of these SNCs, senolytic supplements can prevent these zombie cells from wreaking too much havoc.
Again, it’s important to note that research into senolytic supplements still has a long way to go before making any definitive conclusions. Further research into SNCs can help push research into senolytic supplements further.
If you’re focusing on reducing the negative side-effects of aging, senolytics in food can help. Inducing autophagy can also help. Autophagy is the body’s process of replacing old and damaged cells with newer, healthier cells. This process can help improve your cellular wellbeing, which can help improve your longevity.