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Older woman blowing her nose dealing with a weakened immune system


At What Age Does Your Immune System Weaken?

Aloe and natural soap used as part of a natural skin care regiment


How to Get Clear Skin Naturally

  We all yearn to look younger. To achieve this, we spend hundreds of dollars on skin care products, most of which don’t provide the results we were looking for....

Young child without a fully developed immune system


What Age Is a Child's Immune System Fully Developed?

  The immune system protects us from illnesses and germs. It consists of cells, proteins, tissues and organs that work together to fight these invaders. As we get older, our...

Woman comparing skin care products


Do We Really Need Skincare Products?

  It’s no secret, we all want to look as good as possible to give off good first impressions and increase our self-confidence. The older we get, the more difficult...

Woman sleeping who took spermidine to help her circadian rhythm


The Importance of Spermidine to the Circadian Rhythm

All living beings, whether plants, animals, or humans, fluctuate function and behavior in accordance with the time of day and physiological chemical changes. Traditionally this "circadian rhythm“ fluctuates over a...

Woman doing yoga which is one of the top ten anti-aging exercises you can do


Top 10 Anti-aging Activities

  Finding the fountain of youth isn’t just about looking younger, but feeling younger. And one of the biggest anti-aging activities is exercise. Physical activity can help keep DNA healthy...

Healthy meats, vegetables, and cheeses on a plate consistent with the Alzheimer's prevention diet


What is the Alzheimer's Prevention Diet?

  Unfortunately, Alzheimer’s grows increasingly common the older we get. Researchers and experts are still unsure as to what exactly causes Alzheimer’s but there are things you can do to...

Man looking in a mirror to check how much dandruff he sees on his scalp


What Causes Dandruff?

Listen to this article: Dry skin and dandruff are oftentimes mixed up with one another. While they may appear very similar a lot of times, they are two totally different...

Wheat germ oil in a jar for tightening skin


Does Wheat Germ Oil Tighten Skin?

  The older we get, the more and more important it becomes to take care of our skin. After all, we want to look as young as possible for as...

Woman working out on a pier to improve heart health


What Are The Benefits of a Healthy Heart?

  What are the benefits of having a healthy heart physically? Our heart is more than just where we store our emotions and feelings. It actually has a bigger responsibility....

Woman drying her hair wondering how to make hair grow faster


Can You Make Hair Grow Faster?

  One of the most dreaded parts of aging is losing hair and the difficulties that come when trying to grow that hair back. While hair growth and hair loss...

Woman struggling with allergies and blowing her nose


Can Boosting the Immune System Help Allergies?

  When dealing with allergies, there are times when you would do anything to find a treatment option that works. Luckily, researchers believe that you can help fight off allergies...